pulchra adj. beautiful; handsome; noble, illustrious;

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Moment of Beauty: Shake it Out

Sitting on a couch with a man I care about, exploring music away, this song came on and I was transfixed. I was struck mostly by the instrumentation and the sound at first. Later on, I groovesharked it up and found the lyrics to be as equally edgy and cut-throat... a powerful story about deep darkness and light, hope and suffering, death and resurrection.
I'm still not certain what to think about some of the lyrics, specifically "I like to keep my issues strong" when placed with "but it's always darkest before the dawn". Overall, the lyrics really speak to me of what happens when we let the doubts and fears we have take over our lives... letting them stop us from living the life Christ intends for us to have, and seeking to find our way back to His grace. As I am a dancer, the line "It's hard to dance with a devil on your back, so shake him off" particularily speaks to me, and makes me think of the song "Lord of the Dance". Except Shake it Out has funky beats and sounds. It twists and turns down a journey through the darkest moments we face, and seeing the "what-the-hell-I'm-going-to-let-it-happen-to-me" light at the end of the tunnel.
Shake it Out: Florence and the Machine
What are your thoughts? Does this speak to you in any way?

1 comment:

An Agapesophist said...

The gal has some interesting videos too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGH-4jQZRcc&feature=related